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The timing is after the end of the Dominion war. There are still some issues with the Cardassians, but they are laying low, and have infiltrated the station to

keep an eye on things since there is such a high Bajoran population there. The main agent in place is Monica Dorland that I play. She is actually a changling

like Odo and presumably there are others like her that she works hand in hand with.

We had a captain that ran the station, Alexander Crest. Monica shifted and got close to try and kill Deanna- and Crest who was sweet on Troi got in the way and took the poison dart. He's out of commission still. Mostly that's because the player vanished.

Monica had run the station, she's a commander in the Bajoran military and was running it but after several things were handled badly according to SF and

also with the Captain being hit, they removed her from running the station to just chief of ops, and are sending in a new Captain. They want Starfleet to have full control of the station until the assassin is found.

The station been run with a lot of chaos and issues with just about every system on the station. The engineers have all been replaced to try and get to the bottom of repairs and set things right, same with ops. But those that have infiltrated have compromised just about every system to cripple the station and make the Bajorans look like they don't know what they are doing..

Location is Alpha quadrant near the Cardassian border
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